How much office space do I need? Let us show you.

 When looking for an office, you should not underestimate the space. 

 We’re not just going to walk onto an empty office floor and roughly guess how many desks you think will fit  there. 

 We are talking about getting a detailed quote in square meters based on the entire office. 

 But why do you need such a detailed review, you ask? 

 Simply put, these numerical values ​​give you the best possible idea if it’s the right size for your business when choosing an office. 

 So you probably  need to know some answers before signing a potential contract on the dotted line… 

 How much office space do I need for an employee? 

 First of all – before buying office space, it is wise to know your exact number of employees. 

 One of the biggest mistakes companies make is miscalculating the amount of space they need – either underestimating the  space they need (leaving them short) or overestimating the space (always paying for the possibility of excess space). ). 

 Allocating space by header is a sensible way to avoid this miscalculation. 

 Usually especially in Indore – as a rule of thumb  you should try to aim for around 100 sq ft per person. That’s about 50 square feet for a workspace and 50 square feet for a common living space. 

 This rule does not need to be followed down to the square meter – but it is a good guideline to keep in mind if you want to ensure that every employee has enough space  to enjoy  work every day. 

 How much office space is required for amenities? 

 Again, based on the number of people in your organization, you can roughly calculate the  space you are likely to need for  various office services. 

 However, some amenities that  people don’t use – like server rooms – must also  be factored into the equation. 

 Here is a breakdown of the room specifications: 

Small meeting room (approx 2-4 people)100 sq ft
Large meeting room (approx 4-8 people)150 sq ft
Board room (15-20 people)220 sq ft
Conference room (20-30 people)300 sq ft
Small server room (5 mounted racks max)40 sq ft
Large server room (30 mounted racks max)120 sq ft
Kitchenette area100 sq ft
Breakout area300 sq ft

 What to Consider When Choosing Office Space in addition to the above, you should also consider the following: 

 Space for growth: if you have long-term goals to grow your team, you may want to leave some square meters free. This means renting an office that you can outgrow over time.The last thing you want to end up with is a cramped office when you’ve hired a new employee or two. 

 Layout: Want an open office with plenty of co-working space? Or are you looking for a room with quiet corners where employees can sit and work peacefully? Your office layout  has a lot to answer for from a cultural perspective – so you want to make sure it’s a good fit. 

 Sharing of Will: In some cases, you will not have all  the free space  reserved just for your business. If it’s a co-working space, you’ll probably have to share it with other organizations – in which case you should try to rent the biggest space available to make sure you don’t step on someone else’s toes (or vice versa). Advantages of  

 Flexible office space Thanks to 

 Flexible office space, you can remain an agile company. 

 With a flexible contract, you can rent the space for as short or as long a period as you want – depending on your closest business plan. 

 This also makes it a cost-effective option – as all the in-house services you provide are included in the total package. 

 How much office space does my company need? 

 Hopefully all of the above will help you answer this question, but if you need further guidance on how much office space you might need based on the size of your business, we’d be happy to discuss your options.

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