Our Response to COVID-19

In these evolving times, it is most important that we create a safe environment for our community.

As your workspace provider, we are prepared for this pressing need of the community. We have intensified our safety, cleanliness and precaution protocols to protect the well being of our community. And these standard operating procedures are designed as per the guidelines laid down by the government and the health authorities.

Covid-19 Precaution are taken in Workvistar coworking

Below is a glimpse of what we have covered and have now put this as part of the SOP manual.

Full Centre Sanitization

Even before we welcome you, we have ensured that our centres are sanitized as per the guidelines laid down by the MHA. And moving forward, all our centres will be sanitized on a daily basis. This will include sanitization of all cabins, workstations, common areas, washrooms, server room, meeting room, reception area etc.b

Infrared Thermal Scanner

We have deployed infrared thermometers at the entry and exit points of the premises and all members will be scanned for any anomalies in the body temperature. Our Centre Managers and other support staff have been trained with the technicalities and usage of these devices. Anyone found to be not meeting the prescribed threshold will be denied entry into our premises.

Safety Gears

Our housekeeping and support staff has been briefed on the importance of wearing protective face masks and disposable gloves at all times. And we have already stocked our centres with the required inventory.

Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers with >90% alcohol content has been strategically placed across all our centres (at multiple locations) so that these can be used at regular intervals.


All the touch points such as door handles, knobs, glass tops, Coffee Machine, furniture, counters, equipment, AC remotes, water taps, telephones, elevator buttons etc. will be disinfected every hour

Disposable Cutlery & Crockery

Our cafeterias will now be made available with disposable crockery which includes plates, bowls, glasses, spoons, stirrers etc. This will ensure that there is minimalist body contact between two people.

Building Common area sanitization & Disinfecting

Our centre managers are ensuring that they are in regular and direct contact with the building managers to ensure sanitization & disinfecting of building areas such as: elevators, staircase, hand rails, parking area, waiting area, corridors etc. And this is now going to be an on-going daily activity

COVID-19 Informative Posters

All-important common areas will have informative posters with brief on do’s and don’ts.

Arogya Satu

We have made it mandatory for all our staff to be using the Arogya Setu app. This will help the authorities conduct contact tracing in the event of any suspect case of COVID-19.

These are just some of the steps we have taken so far and we will continue to implement new safety measures as we move along.

However, all of this will only be possible if we get support from each and every member of our community. Thus, it is our plea that you extend your support for all of us to win this war against COVID-19.

Given that it is going to be a collaborative and joint responsibility of the community and our team to help and make the workspace safer and hygienic; these are some things where we would need your support.

  1. Please keep your face mask on at all times. The face mask should cover your nose and mouth.
  2. Do not remove and let the mask hang on your neck. Do not remove the mask by touching its outside surface.
  3. Please also self-equip yourself with a personal hand sanitizer which should be handy and accessible at all times
  4. Whenever possible please use the stairs over elevators.
  5. Please avoid any body contact with other members of the community. So handshakes, occasional hugs have to be avoided at all times.
  6. Community eating in large groups in the cafeteria should be discouraged. Our staff will also keep a vigil on the total number of occupants in the cafeteria at any given time.
  7. Wherever possible, please encourage your employees to work from home and it is of utmost importance that at no point there should be more number of employees than what is prescribed by the authorities. And since this is evolving we will have to adhere to the latest guidelines and monitor it on a day to day basis. So, a weekly roster is highly recommended
  8. Avoid non-important client/vendor meetings and if you have to entertain a visitor; please use the meeting rooms instead of taking the visitor to your cabin

We just want you to know that we’re ready and stronger than before and look forward to welcoming you back – to where you belong.